Adobe Rush on Android

Adobe has dominated the creative industry for quite a while now. Recently the creative has seen a shift from large scale movie and professional format to the short format and faster output. Youtube and Instagram is the home of this type of content. Rather than the content, in recent times there is been a surge in creators and consumers. Content creation is a challenge on the go due to a lack of computing power of small devices. The devices in our pocket have evolved to the extent that we now call them mobile computers rather than phones. Truly they are more computers than phones. Adobe seems to be targeting their next software/app in this ecosystem and the low powered computers too.

Today we are going to have a look at the Adobe rush app for android. Rush has been present for ios and pc for a while and today it officially launched for Android. Rush is a video editing app. This app has been created by keeping creators in mind who focus on speed and getting the content out fast. This can be observed from the ground up. The UI of the app is very simple as opposed to the overwhelming UI of Adobe Premiere where the instead of being productive, sometimes we wander in its many features. This is not certainly bad for professional work but for someone like a vlogger timely content is a priority over more accurate timing and cool effects or accurate colour grading. Regular creators mostly create by joining clips putting background music and some text or annotations. Adobe has identified it and created this app.

So for creating a project, we need media like video photos and music which can be imported from the gallery or from phone storage. Rush also has a built-in camera option which is very good as it has full control in the pro mode like iso shutter speed exposure bias, colour temperature, tint, focus, and quality of the video.

After the video is imported the editing window looks like this. We have the undo and export buttons on the top under which we have the video with the play pause and next previous buttons. Then under that, we have the timeline and all the editing options at the bottom.

The timeline can be expanded to add multiple overlay and audio. The next button sets the layout for the video. The layouts are limited to landscape, portrait and square. The aspect ratio is also fixed to 16:9 and cannot be changed. The title library to add annotations and text is very good. Various fonts can be set and other fonts can also be added to the library from adobe creative cloud. The editing option for fonts is many, like the size font type, colour, outline, shadow. Then in the transitions, we have cross dissolve, dip to black or white and the time of transition can be set.

Then in the colour tab, there are presets to colour grade or you can play with the options and create your own presets. Then in the audio tab, the audio option is available to set clip volume and audio type. If music is selected the option to auto duck is available. If we select voice type the options to reduce noise, reduce eco and enhance speech appears. Then in the transform tab, we can position scale and crop the clip. Then the next options are to cut duplicate, delete the clip, expand the linked audio to the clip and last is the selection tool.

Then to export click on the share button on the top. The resolution is automatically set depending on the clips. If we go in the presets the limit is 1080p, but if the clips are 4k it will select it automatically. If anyone of the clips is not 4k it will export in the lower settings. It cannot upscale the clips.

A particular appreciation has to be given to the colour grading options and text options. It would be better if more layout options like 4:5 and 18:9 and custom could be added. Also, the transitions are only 3. For a free app, it is very feature-rich.

Try it out HERE
Rush is already available for iOS and PC.