Last month the developer of the windows task manager shared his story about task manager in his days at Microsoft. You can read it here.
In this post, we'll see the power of task manager and its uses to make you a power user. Usually, we open it when a software does not work properly and we need to kill it. Well, that is only one thing it can do and to do it you need to launch it properly. I'll mention the things that I do with the task manager that many will find useful.
1. Stat Task Manager: the task manager can be started by many methods like Shift+Ctrl+Esc or right click on the taskbar and launch from the list or the Cltr+Alt+Delete for the full-screen mode and launch from there. Choose the method according to the situation.
2. More Details: After opening the task manager click on the more details at the bottom to get more details and this will open up a whole new world to you. This will make you feel like in full control of all the computer resources and see which program is using which resources. In this, if you go to the performance tab you will get to know more about your PC like what processor does it have, speed of RAM, network speed, GPU, etc.
3. Always on top: Many times we are using full-screen programs and if we need to launch task manager it hides under everything and unable to use. So I keep the "always on top" option on in the options dropdown menu.
4. Detect bottlenecks: Other than just ending the task you can also see the programs which are using most resources and what resource like RAM or Disk or Processor. So while checking why your system is running slow while using a certain software check what resource that particular program is using and you may upgrade it. Generally, in laptops, the bottleneck is usually the RAM or harddisk and upgradable. RAM can be upgraded easily and Harddisk can be swapped with an SSD or adding SSD in the DVD drive slot. Newer laptops also have extra M.2 slot for SSD upgrade.
5. Startup: This is the most important tab in the task manager to speed up your system. In this tab, you will see a list of programs which start when the computer starts every time. There is also a "Last BIOS time" at the top which is the startup time. In this, only the necessary programs like the windows processes and the important drivers should be kept enabled. Other programs that are used more often can also be enabled. To disable simply click on the name of the program and click on disable.